Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life is such a roller coaster

Roller coasters aren't any fun unless they go up and down. That's what creates the thrill - the speed, the loops, the hills. That's kind of how life is, yet right now to me it's not really all that fun. I kind of feel like the motion sick scaredy-cat on the rollercoaster that is just waiting for it to slow to a stop!
I shouldn't have expected things to have continued in a hypothetical "straight line" for so long...I once heard that in life, most people either:
1. Just got out of a trial
2. Are going through a trial
or are
3. About to go through a trial
I was naieve to think that I could go so long without my "trial". I mean we all have trials of different kinds, different magnitudes, etc. Even if we aren't going through something, chances are we know someone close to us who is.
Well right now I am going through one. And the funny thing is at the same time, I'm about to have a baby! It really is a bittersweet time in my life. I am scared, but trying to trust in God and practice what it really means to be His follower. It's really hard, because life can throw at you some horrible circumstances at the same time it gives you beautiful gifts! How difficult it can be though to appreciate the gifts while you are writhing in emotional pain at the same time!
I am praying for healing, for miracles, for peace, and for joy.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chic-Fil-A Update!

A while ago I wrote about a bad experience I had in ordering a "chicken salad" sandwich at Chic-Fil-A. I have to now update things now since Chic-Fil-A has made a recent improvement to their menu...ironically just a few weeks after my disappointing ordeal: they have a "new improved" chicken salad sandwich! Yay! The bread now looks (I haven't been brave enough to try it yet) a lot healthier and respectable- whole wheat. And it comes with lettuce and tomato.. imagine that! This is the chicken sandwhich I was expecting the first time. Ahhh, if only. Anyway, good for them.

About Me

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I'm a mommy who happens to be blessed with the opportunity right now to stay at home and take care of our two little girls. I love my "job" and I love my husband, my family, my good friends, and most of all God who has blessed me with all of this. I also love music (singing, playing, worshiping God through, recording, name it). I know we all have our share of trials, but I also know that there is a God bigger than all of them who promises to carry us through them. His love is unbeatable, unmatched in all the universe and is for us!