Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My girl can talk!

As I was just re-reading my last post from November where I named off a few words that my then 16-month old could say (ie. grapes, shower, etc.) I'm thinking about how much her brain has grown in just 7 or 8 months and I'm just in awe thinking about how God created us. I can't believe how He designed us and how complex we are and how fast our brains absorb infomation and grow...how could we have come from monkeys?!
My little girl went from saying "zsha-zsho" for shower just 8 months ago, to today (at 23 months) saying "In-a take a showa too?" Amazing! She can say multiple word sentences now! I'm astonished.
Some thing's she also says...
"Mommy i have a cookie?"
"See baby Ivia?"
"Stay right there"
"Mommy sit right here"
"I hear sumping"
"I see birdies!"
"I knocked-a gate ovah!"

and one of my favorites...
"where'd dat come fom?"

She's so smart. I can't help but say it. Such a little sponge. She really absorbs and remembers things so quickly...She is not afraid to repeat words and attempt them even if they're hard to say. Its fun to ask her to say something and see what she comes up with...like helicopter..."hepicopta". :) So cute.

1 comment:

Kristi-Anna said...

This makes me smile. Gosh I miss you and your family. :0)

About Me

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I'm a mommy who happens to be blessed with the opportunity right now to stay at home and take care of our two little girls. I love my "job" and I love my husband, my family, my good friends, and most of all God who has blessed me with all of this. I also love music (singing, playing, worshiping God through, recording, listening..you name it). I know we all have our share of trials, but I also know that there is a God bigger than all of them who promises to carry us through them. His love is unbeatable, unmatched in all the universe and is for us!