Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Almost-Robbery!

I can't even remember the date now...but Madilyn was probably around a couple weeks old. Let's just say it was somewhere in late July....
I had put Madilyn in her bassinet in our room to sleep, and Robbie had just layed down in bed. I got up to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. As I walked into the kitchen, I suddenly heard the low hum of the garage door opening. The light in the garage turned on, as it always does when the garage door opens. But who could be in there? It was around 1am as I recall...I did remember that Robbie had told his sister Heather that she could park in the garage to keep the cats from jumping down into her car from the sunroof window that was broken. But he hadn't talked to her for a while. I ran to the window and peeked out and saw my other sister in law's car's interior light turned on. Hmmmm, could someone been looking for something in their car, and then decided to check in the garage? But why would they need to open the huge garage door for that? We have a side door.....
All these thoughts went through my mind in a matter of a second. I rushed into the bedroom and asked, "Robbie, did you tell Heather she could park in the garage?" He said, "no, why?" I replied that I had just heard the garage door open, and didn't know who was in there. Robbie shot up out of bed. He rushed into the living room and peeked through the blinds. As we looked in, we could see the smaller garage door which had been left open, and outside a black mountain bike was parked. ..a bike that didn't belong to us! My heart stopped and my stomach sunk. Robbie turned to me and told me to get Madilyn and stay in the bedroom. I asked him what he was going to do. He started thinking about what he could grab...a bat, a hammer....I told him to get inside! I begged him to come inside. All I could think about was someone shooting him out of fear or something as they hid in the garage. I was so scared! Robbie came back inside and called his mom. She said she thought everyone was up at the house, that no one had come down here. Robbie then called the police, and told them what happened, and that we may have an intruder in our garage! He told me to take Madilyn and stay in the bedroom. I went and grabbed a blanket and sat in the glider with the baby and prayed for our safety. Robbie went outside to meet the police and his mom to describe what happened. I looked out and saw cops searching around our house with flashlights for a few minutes. Then I saw Rob talking to one of the cops...it was so weird to see a cop, with a gun, in our yard! I heard a helicopter, and I imagined a fugitive on the loose, maybe a prison escapee, running to our house and hiding in our garage or something! Robbie came back inside. He explained that the cops had not fount anyone. Then they said how they believed that the person had tried to get into all the cars in our driveway....he had gotten into my sister in law's car (hence the interior light left on) but taken nothing. He then proceeded down to our carport, checked my car, but it was locked. He then went to Rob's truck, which was oddly left unlocked, and rummaged through. The person got into the interior console of Rob's truck, and in the mist of his rummagings, accidentally pushed the garage door opener! We suspect that the suspect then fled the scene, possibly scared off by the sudden noise and fear of being caught. He obviously left on foot, leaving his bike behind. We think it was a stolen bike too, cuz Rob observed it looked like a nice bike, with a woman's seat on it. Unless the suspect was a female... !You never know....
Anyway, we also found a piece of stone, which had been edging material for the flower bed out front, broken in two...the other half laying on the road. We think the suspect broke the stone, and the other half was found lying by Rob's truck. We believe it would have been used to break the car window if Rob's car was not already unlocked! What a mess that would have been.
It was a surreal, scary night. But God protected us and nothing was taken either. I felt a little better too, knowing no one was in the garage...it was a little more reassuring knowing they were after our cars and not trying to get into our house.

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About Me

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I'm a mommy who happens to be blessed with the opportunity right now to stay at home and take care of our two little girls. I love my "job" and I love my husband, my family, my good friends, and most of all God who has blessed me with all of this. I also love music (singing, playing, worshiping God through, recording, listening..you name it). I know we all have our share of trials, but I also know that there is a God bigger than all of them who promises to carry us through them. His love is unbeatable, unmatched in all the universe and is for us!