Friday, May 2, 2008

Third Trimester Blues

Well the second stage went by without a morning sickness, plenty of energy, feeling like my normal self...until yesterday. Hyper-sensitivity, emotional roller-coaster, leg cramps, wanting to just be alone....What's up with that? Where did it come from? Maybe it was the lack of sleep because I couldn't get comfortable the past two nights. I'm starting to feel that "you might feel like you're sleeping on a basketball" feeling at night, and I can't find a comfortable sleep position.

I just have to adjust myself to the changes, and expect that things will not be perfect, and not be surprised when the yucky parts of just being pregnant become more and more apparant. Its part of life, part of the whole process. I guess it just caught me off guard cuz I had been doing so well!
And no... I don't have a name picked out yet.

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About Me

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I'm a mommy who happens to be blessed with the opportunity right now to stay at home and take care of our two little girls. I love my "job" and I love my husband, my family, my good friends, and most of all God who has blessed me with all of this. I also love music (singing, playing, worshiping God through, recording, name it). I know we all have our share of trials, but I also know that there is a God bigger than all of them who promises to carry us through them. His love is unbeatable, unmatched in all the universe and is for us!