Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Waterworks at Costco

Ok, so we had some extra food leftover from our babyshower, most of which included: several cases of drinks, some packs of rolls, a bag of Doritos, a canister of Pretzels, a 2 pack of Ranch dressing, 2 packs of cheese, and about 9 packs of turkey or ham lunch meat. We though about if we should try and return some of it to Costco to try to get our money back, but really weren't sure if they would actually take back things like bread, cheese, or lunch meat. It haden't been opened, so we thought we'd give it a shot, after all, that stuff is not cheap! And what would we do with 9 pounds of turkey? We could freeze it, we guessed....but nah, we wanted the money.

So I call Costco, and find out their return policy allows you to return food, as long as you have the receipt! Great, right?! But then when we thought about it, we were a little reluctant - I mean really, it's kind of embarassing to "return" 13 pounds of deli meat and cheese. I've been to Costo returning stuff, and seen people try to take back anything from an open bag of chips to a half-eaten container of potato salad, and I'll have to admit, its kinda gross. But at least it was UN-opened lunch meat and cheese? Can't be that bad, right??
I told Rob I'd take on the chore, and went with my sis-in-law to return the stuff.
Little did I know, my hormones would get the best of me. The lady at the counter so kindly reminded me that I could return the stuff, but it would have to be thrown away after I got my money back- they could no longer re-sell it. I knew that, and was fine with that.
That is, until I saw her chuck two packs of ham over her shoulder into the garbage can. It was too much for me to bear. I started welling up with tears. All I could think about was my friends down in Honduras, who live in little villages where the daily meal is tortillas, beans and bananas.
And here I was, getting my money back while watching perfectly good turkey and cheese be thrown away with the regular trash. I busted out crying, right then and there. "Just stop there, I can't do this, " I said. My eyes were gushing with tears by now, and I couldn't wipe them away fast enough. I felt like the biggest emotional sap. It would have been fine, but I could tell people were looking at me funny now. The lady behind the desk felt bad I think. She looked down at my belly and said, "awww.. are you pregnant?! how far along??" I replied "7 weeks" . She apologized for making me cry, and said something to the effect that this kind of thing was "normal" for someone in my stage of pregnancy (the emotional outbursts I guess). I told her it was ok, I just felt bad for people around the world with nothing to eat. I couldn't stand to see any more waste that I had control of like that - or that others were observing too. Couldn't they just take it home for themselves, or give it to some homeless people? What's wrong with that picture, right?
Anyway, I was a little embarassed about my emotional breakdown in public. I wasn't expecting that - at all. I got my money for the pretzels and Ranch dressing, but decided to take the remaing turkey and cheese back home.
So, anyone hungry? Come on over and I'll fix ya a turkey sandwich. I guarantee I'll have enough to make you one if you drop by anytime between now and 2010.

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About Me

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I'm a mommy who happens to be blessed with the opportunity right now to stay at home and take care of our two little girls. I love my "job" and I love my husband, my family, my good friends, and most of all God who has blessed me with all of this. I also love music (singing, playing, worshiping God through, recording, listening..you name it). I know we all have our share of trials, but I also know that there is a God bigger than all of them who promises to carry us through them. His love is unbeatable, unmatched in all the universe and is for us!